ABOUT FREE HOSTING EU Project and Services
FreeHostingEU provides hosting plans that enable to host unlimited domains on one account as well as a zero-risk web hosting free plan, free eu domain names, etc. On this page you can read more about EU hosting Project background:
Free Hosting EU Project Developers
FreeHostingEU.com website hosting and domain registration service is a joint project developed and run by:
FreeDomain.pro - a well known provider of short free domain name web addresses with .co.nr domain extension. They have been offering super fast, stable and reliable free domains services since 2003.
AttractSoft GmbH - a web development company that specializes in providing advanced and free web hosting services, as well as online billing and customer support solutions for already 5 years.
Free Hosting EU Services
So that, FreeHostingEU.com project combines a 5 years experience of both companies in free short domains and webhosting industries to offer you the very best all in one solution that includes free site hosting, many free short web addresses for your websites and all the other advanced features required to build and maintain a full featured personal or small business web site.

Free Hosting EU Clustered Technology
FreeHostingEU.com provides both free hosting and advanced unlimited domain hosting based on technology that provides a "clustered" handling of security, dynamic load balancing and necessary web server resources. With this innovative technology we can guarantee you a greater performance, increased reliability and better security for probably the best web hosting price available on the Web.

Free Hosting EU Datacenter & Network
FreeHostingEU.com web servers are located in one of LambdaNet datacenters in Kiel, Germany. LambdaNet network is well-known for the fact of being one of the connecting internet backbones between Europe and North America, and the datacenter where FreeHostingEU.com servers are located offers a 50 GBits network connectivity and equiped with UPS and disel generator that ensures stable power supply even in emergency cases. All FreeHostingEU.com web servers are protected with Firewall and RAID (Redundant Area of Independent Drives) backup for extra security and increased data reliability.

Free Hosting EU Contacts & Legal Info
In case you'd like to contact us, please use any of the contact options below:
» Contacts Page - Pre-Sales and General Information requests;
» Technical Support - Customer Support for FreeHostingEU.com existing clients;
» Report Abuse - Network Abuse and Copyright Infringement matters;
» On business days (Monday - Friday) you can contact our Sales team via phone:
New York Sales Team phone: +1 347 223 5853 (8:30 AM - 16:30 PM EST)
London Sales Team phone: +44 20 8 1234 790 (7:30 AM - 5:30 PM GMT)
» Address: AttractSoft GmbH, Schauenburgerstr. 116, 24118, Kiel, Germany

If you require additional information about the project, please use the contact form